The Emperor Norton Trust



Campaign Seeks New Board Members

Emperor Norton, between spring 1871 and spring 1872. From carte de visite by Tuttle & Johnson studio, 523 Kearny Street, "Heliographic Artists." Collection of the California Historical Society.

Emperor Norton, between spring 1871 and spring 1872. From carte de visite by Tuttle & Johnson studio, 523 Kearny Street, "Heliographic Artists." Collection of the California Historical Society.

UPDATE: Deadline for submissions extended to Wednesday 1 August.

The Emperor's Bridge Campaign seeks three new members — Treasurer; Secretary; and one At-Large Director — for its Board.

The Campaign, a nonprofit founded in 2013 and based in San Francisco, works on a variety of fronts — research, education, advocacy — to advance the legacy of Emperor Norton. 

Known by many for its project calling on the California state legislature to add "Emperor Norton Bridge" as an honorary name for the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the Campaign organized and co-produced the recent series of events and celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Emperor.

The Campaign has emerged as the leading public resource on Emperor Norton.  Its Web site is

We are seeking candidates from the Bay Area who are deeply committed to the mission and work of The Emperor's Bridge Campaign, and whose background and experience qualifies them to serve in one of the following positions:

  • Treasurer — term expires December 2020
  • Secretary — term expires December 2020
  • At-Large Director — term expires December 2019

These are volunteer positions. Meetings are to be held quarterly.

Please indicate your interest by writing to Campaign president John Lumea at, using the subject line "BOARD CANDIDATE:" followed by the position for which you'd like to be considered. In your email, provide a brief summary of your qualifications. You're welcome to express interest in more than one position. 

Candidate submissions are due no later than Sunday 1 July.

Thank you!

© 2025 The Emperor Norton Trust  |  Site design: Alisha Lumea  |  Background: Original image courtesy of Eric Fischer